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Sales Factory Debuts a New Campaign for Channellock, Inc.

Written by Sales Factory Team | Feb 20, 2018 5:00:00 AM

It’s a new era for iconic American tool manufacturer Channellock, Inc. with the launch of the Built Strong. Works Hard. Won’t Quit. integrated marketing campaign from Agency of Record, Sales Factory. The campaign is the culmination of Sales Factory’s insights, strategy and activation expertise that connects research and creativity to bring brands to life in the market.

“For Channellock, Inc., the American-made pliers are heroic, but so are the professionals who use them,” said Ashley Dillon, Sales Factory Account Director on the Channellock account. “The campaign uncovers that common bond between the brand and the user, then forges a connection that’s fresh, approachable and unmistakably CHANNELLOCK.”

The campaign includes new packaging, retail marketing, PR, trade show support, social media, content creation and digital and print media. Headlines such as Chiseled Jawline, Brains & Brawn and Solid Muscle call out the distinctive features of the CHANNELLOCK line of tongue and groove, cutting and linemen’s pliers, respectively. Renee Owens, Associate Creative Director, and Thomas Donahue, Copywriter, created the campaign.

The centerpiece of the launch is a campaign video featuring a custom-built Rube Goldberg machine, using several of the company’s Made in USA products. Rube Goldberg machines are complex contraptions that perform simple tasks in sequence via domino effect. In “The Machine,” a hard-rocking custom music track incorporates authentic sounds recorded in the Channellock factory, ultimately revealing an American flag.

“We think everybody will enjoy the creativity, fun and functionality of our video, while recognizing our shared values of hard work, ingenuity and patriotism that are conveyed through all of our new advertising,” said Jon DeArment, Channellock, Inc. President and Chief Operating Officer. To date the video has over 137,000 views on Facebook.